Spiritualism Live

by Spiritualism Live



Do you need balance and guidance in your life? Are you wondering what the cards have to say regarding past, present, and future life events? What if loves is on your mind or even your career?Our skilled advisors have the answers you need and the guidance to help you through any hurtful and confusing situations like love, work, family, and any other obstacles you may be facing in your life.We offer paid-per-minute: Live Chat, Live Audio, Live Video, Video Reply, and Text Reply readings with different types of spiritual advisors. Our advisors have different gifts and styles. This will help you choose the advisors that are the best fit and right for you. Rather you’re coming to the app for entertainment purposes of seeing what comes up in the reading or needing guidance because its hard to find people in your life that understand. We are here to help.The Spiritualism Live App offers these types of readings: Angel ReadingsAstrology Aura ReadingsAura CleansingBreak Up Career ReadingsChakra CleansingCheating and AffairsClairsentienceClairvoyanceDream InterpretationEmpathsEnergy WorkLife Coaches Love ReadingsLove and Relationship CoachesMagicMedium’sPast Life ReadingsPet ReadingsPsychic MediumPsychic ReadingsSpell CastingSpiritual ReadersTarot ReadersWitch’sWitchcraft and much more! First-time users will receive a promotional offer of between 1 to 5 minutes depending on the promotion offered at that time.